Best Websites to Learn Coding


Best Websites to Learn Coding – Being programmer does not mean you have to pay much money to take programming course. In this digital era people are ‘forced’ to live digitally, I mean, getting used with digital product as the world grows digitally. There are many ways to learn coding. With those codes, various languages inside, you can develop many tools or digital product such as webpage, games, software, and more.

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In this article, I provide you several best websites to learn coding which are free to use to help yourself how to code. There are so many advantages you can gain with coding skills since the world is expanded by digital technology.

Here are the best websites to learn coding
Subjects Internet Courses Programming Books (Free)
JavaScript Code Academy, Learn Street, Khan Academy, Code Combat, Code Avengers Eloquent JavaScript, JavaScript Guide, Speaking JavaScript, JS The Right Way, Oh My JS
HTML & CSS Code Academy, Don’t Fear The Internet, Tutsplus, Learn Layout, A to Z CSS, Dash, Web Accessibility, The Hello World Mozilla, Dive into HTML5, 20 Things I Learned, HTML Dog, HTML & CSS, HTML5 for Designers, DOM Enlightenment
jQuery Code Academy, Tutsplus, Code School jQuery Fundamentals, Learn jQuery
Python Code Academy, Google, Learn Street, Python Tutor, IHeartPY Python for You and Me,  Dive into Python, Learn Python the Hard Way, Think Python, Python for Fun, Tango with Django, Django
Ruby & Ruby on Rails Code Academy, TryRubyCode Learn, Railscasts, Rubymonk, Learn Street Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Learn to Program, Learn Rails by Example
PHP Code Academy PHP Programming, Practical PHP
Google Apps Script Getting Started, Office Hours, Google Scripts Examples, Learning Apps Script
WordPress Treehouse, WordPress TV
Linux & Shell Scripting, Explain Shell Conquer the Command Line
Node.js Nodetuts, Node School The Node Beginner Book, Mixu’s Node book, Node Up and Running, Mastering Node.js
Git (version control) Code School, Git Immersion, GitHub Training Pro Git, Learn Git
Objective-C (iOS & Mac) Code School, Stanford, iTunesU
Chrome Dev Tools Code School, Dev Tools Secret, Chrome Dev Tools Tutorial, Udacity
Go Language, GopherCasts Programming in Go, Go by Example, Learning Go
Java Learn Java, Coding Bat Programming in Java, O’Reilly Learning Java, Think Java, Java & CS, Java for Python Devs
Android App Development Udacity (Google Developers), Coursera, The New Boston, Google University, App Development Essentials, Code Learn
D3 (data visualization) Data Visualization for the Web, Dashing D3, D3 Tips & Tricks
Everything Else Udacity,, Coursera, Udemy$, Lynda$, Pluralsight$, Treehouse$, Open Consortium, One Month Rails$

By learning how to code, you can bring yourself to the advantages of the use of global technologies. There are also many companies which require you to know the basic code and pay you high salary after you get hired by them. You can also take freelance jobs related to code. Or you can make yourself as independent developer, web designer, or software maker. Those best websites to learn coding should give you more than knowledge of how to code.


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