Meet Olivia Lazuardy of

Meet Olivia Lazuardy of – Here again I provide fashion blog information from a gorgeous fashion blogger. Several days ago I got a chance to interview one of famous Indonesian fashion bloggers. With her passion in fashion, she’s currently managing her personal blog, fashion blog, in order to give inspirations and share things she loves with others. She is Olivia Lazuardy. One of the best Indonesian fashion bloggers today.

In terms of developing blog, to maintain it, make it bigger than before and useful for others, there are lots of efforts that should be put on the line. That’s how we’re gonna find out what efforts that Olivia Lazuardy did for her blog, why she chose fashion as her blog niche, and how is she currently managing it for profits. This beautiful fashion blogger should inspire you more.

” . . . Start with something that you are passionate about. Because blogging is more than just a hobby, it has to be something that you can’t take away from your daily life because you really love it . . . “

1. Please tell us about yourself, how you got into blogging and when exactly did you start blogging?

First of all, I am actually quite new in the fashion blog industry. I started blogging in 2013. The concept behind is to create a daily wear outfit inspiration. It is the place where people can find inspirations on what to wear during the day and night to different occasions from formal to semi formal. My style is very simple and effortless, so people can easily follow their favorite look. I want them to see as their daily fashion bible.

2. According to your blog, your topics/niches are fashion and style-related posts. Why did you choose the niches and why did you choose Blogspot as your main blogging platform?

It is simply because I love fashion and I want to inspire people to dress well. I want to help people whenever they are lack of ideas on what to wear during their first date, first day of work, or just during weekdays and weekends.

I choose Blogspot because it provides an easy access and system to blogging, and most of all it is free. But I am going to change my platform in the near future, so I must say it is good for a beginner because you don’t need to spend money to build a blog.

3. How do you currently promote your blog to the visitors?

Mostly from my Instagram

4. How are you currently monetizing your blog?

There are a lot of things that you can do, such as side bar advertising, sponsorship, reviews, events, and many more. It is according to each individual’s preference.

5. Who are your inspirations (bloggers/fashion figures)?, and what blogs do you visit most often?

Nicole Warne from garypeppergirl is my muse.

6. What advice would you have for someone who is just starting with their first blog?

– Update your blog at least twice a week

7. How can readers of your blog get in touch with you?

They can get in touch with me indirectly through my new blog posts. But they are able to ask for fashion & beauty tips through

8. Last, what is your best message for Indonesian bloggers? Your message/advice will be an influence to us, Indonesian bloggers, in combining our hobbies with existing online medias to be pros like you.

Start with something that you are passionate about. Because blogging is more than just a hobby, it has to be something that you can’t take away from your daily life because you really love it. You also have to think about the purpose of your blog, what are your vision and mission, and lastly, are you happy with it?

The more people get inspired from their idols, the more resources they need to follow up the inspirations. The resources can be magazine, TV, Instagram or even blogs. Olivia Lazuardy with her personal blog, is one of those resources you may need to follow up your inspirations. Visit her blog.

Photos are taken from
Walter Pinem
Walter Pinem
Traveler, Teknisi SEO, dan Programmer WordPress. Aktif di Seni Berpikir, A Rookie Traveler, GEN20, Payung Merah, dan De Quixote.

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