Charity Helping Low Income Families

At, we provide financial help for low income individuals and families. We are also committed to giving help to veterans to be able to make the transition from life in the military to civilian life. Our mission is to responsibly provide assistance to those who may not qualify for government assistance. We provide basic self-sufficiency grants, emergency help with bills, and other types of emergency funding. Our hope is that we can keep people above water so that they won’t get into the kind of circumstances where they will qualify.

We appreciate every donation, whatever you are able to give. We use “crowdsourcing” to fund our grants, which depends, in large part, on the generosity of a wide group of people, rather than a few. Any amount that you are comfortable to donate is very helpful and much appreciated. Further, we maintain a comprehensive list of our grants and applications, so you’ll always be able to see the effects of your donation for yourself.

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