4 Blogging Platforms You Might Want to Use

Another Blogging Platforms You Might Want to Use – What’s really annoying in blogging is the difficulties of managing it. It can be very time consuming for us, especially for the first timers.

You have to build it from the scratch, customize it, fill it with quality contents, and share it.

But while people are using WordPress (both .com & .org), or any other mainstream platforms such as Tumblr and Blogspot, you can get away from their paths.

If you want to keep it easy in blogging, you can try several blogging platforms which I mention below.

Here’s the list of another blogging platforms you might want to use to keep easy in blogging.

4 Blogging Platforms You Might Want to Use

1. Roon

Roon is currently the simplest blogging platform you can use on the internet. The simplistic and the minimalist user interface makes it easy  for the first timers, even for the professionals who seek another tool to keep blogging in simpler way.

Roon is very clean and easy to navigate. All you need to start is sign up, and publish your first posts in minutes.

No need to get dirty to customize the looks. Simply sign up, create and publish your first post.

That’s all. The simplistic looks don’t mean that Roon is very minimal in terms of features. Here are the additional features you can use with Roon:

– Roon has the responsive design. It’ll automatically fit the smartphones’ screens, even on tablet.

– With an account you can maintain multiple blogs.

– You can write your posts in Markdown or Rich Text Modes.

– With single click you can easily export your blog data in Markdown formats.

– Write new posts on your Mac of iOS phones.

2. Medium

Ever heard about Medium? Yes, it is a blogging platform created by Twitter developers. Same like Roon, it is free and keep making it easy for you to blog your daily stories or your thoughts.

Medium lets you easily create and publish your posts and share it with your Twitter followers. What I love from Medium is, it’s really simple if I just want to blog a simple story of  couples, and really free-distraction.

See Also: Scrivener: The Ultimate Tool For Blogging, Novel, to Thesis

3. Throwww

This blogging platform is really anti-mainstream. Its looks aren’t similar (that much)with most of blogging platforms, which makes it really interesting to use. Similar with Roon, with a single account you can manage multiple blogs.

All you gotta do is sign up, manage your blog post, create and submit it, get the post’s link once you’ve published it, and that’s it.

Instead of using your email address to create an account, you can sign in with your Twitter and Facebook account. It’s really simple, clean, but looks beautiful.

4. Postach.io

Do you use Evernote on your iOS or Android phones/tablets? If so, you can use Postach.io to blog your notes from Evernote app.

It is unique, easy to use, simple, and you can share your daily journal notes on Evernote into Postach.io. Simply sync your Evernote account with Postach.io.

Mark your notes as Published is the way you can blog your notes to Postach.io. Once your account synced, your notes are online.


Keep using such big blogging platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, or Blogspot when you need simplicity in blogging activity doesn’t take you anywhere.

If you want to keep it easy to blog, without any material profit intentions, just use those mentioned blogging platforms to keep your words heard on the internet.

Walter Pinem
Walter Pinemhttps://walterpinem.me/
Traveler, Teknisi SEO, dan Programmer WordPress. Aktif di Seni Berpikir, A Rookie Traveler, GEN20, Payung Merah, dan De Quixote.

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