8 Google Chrome Tricks That Make You An Expert

8 Google Chrome Tricks That Make You An Expert – For Google Chrome users, there are many hidden features available for you to make it easier to use Chrome. As its name, this browser is made by Google, and its motto is “Fast, Clean, and Secure”.  Yes indeed, it’s fast, clean, and secure.

For so many reasons, people use Chrome because it’s clean, easy to navigate, and integrated with Gmail and any other Google Products. You can also activate Dekstop Notifier while using Chrome to get direct notifications from Google Products such as Gmail, Youtube, Google+ etc.

Now we’re gonna explore the hidden features, the 10 Google Chrome Trics to make you an expert while exploring the web through your dekstop.

10 Google Chrome Tricks That Make You An Expert

1. Google Chrome Tricks to Convert Units

By using omnibox on Chrome, you can convert units. For example, type “1 year = ” and Chrome will automatically convert the unit to days, or weeks, months, hours, etc without even hit the “Enter” button, or without open Google Search. You can also use Google to convert units by visiting Google Search homepage with any browsers. Also, you can use Google to calculate numbers, the same way as converter feature.

2. Dig into Single Website

The feature should be enabled where there is omnibox activated on your Chrome. When the omnibox activated, type the website URL you want to dig into and you should hit ‘Tab’ button to search the relevant keywords content you want to search.

By doing this, you can dig into single website without even opening the website first and use the enabled search box on the website. For example, you want to dig into Youtube and search relevant videos using the videos’ keywords. Type the URL and press Tab, now type the video title or keywords you want to search. This is one of the most useful tricks of this Google Chrome tricks post.

3.  Browse Your Image

Curious how it’s like when you see your image on browser? Just drag and drop your image to Google Chrome and take a quick gander.

4. Drag Content to Search

If you find some words or images on a web content and curious about the details, just highlight the words and drag to the search box on your Chrome. Now you can easily search about the details. This is one of my favorites Google Chrome tricks.

5. Bookmark Sites Easily

If you find something useful on the web, want to view it later and get easy access to it, just highlight the URL and drag it to the Bookmark Bar. Open your Bookmark List and check if it’s already on the list. Cool, isn’t it?

6. Reopen the Accidentally Closed Tabs

Chrome is also smarter than the others, in my opinion. Chrome enables you to reopen the tabs which are accidentally closed simply by hitting Control+Shift+T (Command+Shift+T on Mac) and Chrome will reopen recently closed tabs.

7. Use Numbers to Open Specific Tab

If you open multiple tabs on Chrome and want to specifically open one of those tabs, then you are only required to hit and hold Control (Commands on Mac) and press 1 to 9 number depending on which tab you want to open. By using numbers you can easily open specific tab on Chrome.

8. Create Link Icon on Your Dekstop From Your Favorite Website

When you browse on some websites and want to open it later without messing up your Bookmark list, then simply create the link icon to open it later right from your desktop. Highlight the URL, click and hold, drag it to your dekstop and release the button. Now the Chrome icon will be created with the URL as the name of it, and by clicking it, you will be directed to the URL.


For Chrome users, there are lots of features you can apply to make it simple to browse anything on the web. Besides using it to browse anything, you can also use Chrome as tools to several needs. Chrome is my most favorite browser, so by applying the Google Chrome tricks, we can easily browse anything like an expert.

Walter Pinem
Walter Pinemhttps://walterpinem.me/
Traveler, Teknisi SEO, dan Programmer WordPress. Aktif di Seni Berpikir, A Rookie Traveler, GEN20, Payung Merah, dan De Quixote.

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